

Virtualization and distributed systems

Why distributed systems need virtualization?
  1. portability is greatly improved as virtual machines provide a further decoupling between hardware and software, allowing a complete environment to be moved from one machine to another.

  2. Imporatnt in the context of reliability and security for (distributed) systems as it allows for the isolation of a complete application and its environment, a failure caused by an error or security attack need no longer affect a complete machine.

Types of virtualization

Three different types of virtualization
Type Characteristic Advantage
A process virtual machine Virtualization is only for a single process l
A native virtual machine monitor Interface offered by a virtual machine monitor can be offered simultaneously to different programs Different guest operating systems can run independently and concurrently on the same platform. l
A hosted virtual machine monitor Make use of existing facilities provided by that host operating system Easy to implement l

Application of virtual machines to distributed systems

Three different types service provided by cloud
Service Characteristic
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) covering the basic infrastructure
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) covering system-level services
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) containing actual applications

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Virtualization plays a key role in IaaS. Instead of renting out a physical machine, a cloud provider will rent out a virtual machine (monitor) that may, or may not, be sharing a physical machine with other customers.

最后更新: 2021-12-23 11:28:58
本页作者: liusy58